Looking for thebest Folsom spa?  Look no further than Hoshall's Salon & Spa.

Many individuals now understand, that hair that is healthy and attractive, is essential for one's own well being, as well as a major influence on the impression conveyed when meeting people for the first time.

A large number of individuals turn to commercial products to solve problems with the health of their hair, neglecting, or not realizing that these products are not effective for restoring the hair's health. Therefore, appropriate hair care, should be just as big a consideration, as purchasing the best hair gels, creams, and serums. We have put together several suggestions to help you maximize your appearance, by understanding  the fundamentals of good hair care.

* Getting your hair trimmed about every 8 weeks is recommended. Scheduling these trims at 6-8 week intervals is prudent. It is at about the 2 month point following your last hair cut, that your hair resumes growth, and fragile and split ends are common. * Washing your hair daily is not advised. This is an unnecessary chore that does not need to be done every day, although not really detrimental to your hair. It is satisfactory to wash your hair every two to three days. For those individuals who simply can't go more than a day without washing their hair, it is important to ensure that the shampoo that you are using is designed for everyday shampooing. There is the possibility that your hair may sustain damage from shampoos rich in chemicals. * It is essential to protect your hair from the sun by utilizing products that include sunscreen, if you are frequently outside. At the height of the day, a hat is the best protection you can provide your hair from the sun. * Brushing your hair daily with a brush is discouraged, instead use a wide toothed comb. Hair brushes make hair susceptible to breakage and split ends. If you grew up on the notion that you should brush your hair 100 times a night, you should know that that is not good advice and should be avoided. This is actually a malicious myth that will, over time, cause severe damage to your hair.

Looking for the best spa in Folsom CA?  Look no further than Hoshall's Salon & Spa.
